Friday, April 15, 2011

Lets get cookin'!

Hello :) 

Me and my friend hannah decided we wanted to bake something yesterday we ended up making caramel shortcake, although it didn't go completely according to plan it still tasted fine and looked very similar to what it was meant to look like!

I had the task of making the base and Hannah had the task of making the caramel which covered the base and then melting the chocolate which we had to marble over the caramel. It took quite a while and waiting for the base to cool was a long time and we were getting impatient!

I didnt manage to get any pictures of what it looked like at the end but they were pretty good!

Today I went into town and got a few things and tonight we are having a close family friend round for dinner so that should be nice!

Have any of you done anything nice the past couple of days?

Love Shannon xxx

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